Tuesday, December 30, 2008

13 Weeks

From Baby Center:

Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. Your baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.

This is the last week of your first trimester, and your risk of miscarriage is now much lower than earlier in pregnancy. Next week marks the beginning of your second trimester, a time of relative comfort for many women who see early pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness and fatigue subside.

Note from Jen:

I think it is funny that Baby Center deviated from its fruit-to-baby comparison this week to say that the baby is the size of a shrimp. To me a shrimp seems smaller than a lime (week 12). Oh well, I guess there are no 3 inch long fruits or veggies that would work for this week.

Anyway, I feel good this week. I have my appetite back and am about 90% sure that morning sickness is over! Whoo hoo!

My lower back/ sciatic nerve has been acting up a bit and it makes me a bit nervous for the 14 hour flight to China which is only a month away. I am thinking that I might bring some sort of microwavable heating pad and maybe a seat cushion... or maybe we can just upgrade to business class :) For those of you who have flown much during pregnancy, do you have any suggestions?

The baby LOVES tamales and is definitely a little Mexican :) I don't really think I have been having any real cravings, but there are a few things that have been really good... Orange Juice, fruit, and almost anything Mexican or Italian. Last night I told Kenny that fruit filled donuts sounded good and this morning he showed up at my office with a yummy lemon filled donut and milk. He is so sweet :)

Friday, December 26, 2008

All in a day's work...

This is the view from my office last week: Cape Canaveral, Florida.
The white building is the Kennedy Space Center.

Prius Power!

Not to brag, but our car rocks! This ain't the best picture in the world, but it shows that we averaged at least 100 mpg for the past 30 minutes! The picture was taken on I-5 south when we were returning from Bakersfield. (Just in case you wanted to know, the car usually averages about 50 mpg)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Sorry no real Christmas cards this year... feel free to print this one out if you really want one :)

Merry Christmas everyone! We love you!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Week 12

From Baby Center:
The most dramatic development this week: reflexes. Your baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, his toes will curl, his eye muscles will clench, and his mouth will make sucking movements. In fact, if you prod your abdomen, your baby will squirm in response, although you won't be able to feel it. (after we read this, I started to poke both sides of my belly and laughed that the baby didn't know which way to move. Kenny didn't think it was very funny!)

Meanwhile, nerve cells are multiplying rapidly, and in your baby's brain, synapses are forming furiously. His face looks unquestionably human: His eyes have moved from the sides to the front of his head, and his ears are right where they should be. From crown to rump, your baby-to-be is just over 2 inches long (about the size of a lime) and weighs half an ounce.

Note from Jen:

Feeling pretty good. I am hesitant to say that I am over the first trimester woes (you know what happened last time!), but overall I feel so much better.

The only weird thing this week was that I have been totally grossed out by the smell of spaghetti. We went to Phillipi's Pizza Grotto, which is normally amazing, but I really was not liking any of the food and every time we heated up leftovers, the smell was not pleasant in the least. No big deal, just weird.

Tomorrow is Christmas and already the baby has been getting more presents than me or Kenny :) I can't wait to see what else he/she gets... I'll have to post pictures this weekend cause everything is so cute!

So much more to post, but in the interest of Christmas and love to my fellow men and women, I will keep this short :) I'll just leave you with my week 12 picture we took last night...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Snow Day!

Jen took off work on Friday and we flew up to her parent's house for a snow day! A few days ago they got over 12 inches of snow, so we figured we'd better take advantage of it and have an early Christmas.

Pilot LOVED the snow and we had a great time sledding and hanging out.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

That's what I get for bragging

Ok. Well I guess it wasn't necessarily bragging, but for the last few days I had been feeling relatively good and have been telling everyone that I think I am finally over my morning (all-day) sickness. Tonight the baby had other plans and sent me rushing once again to the bathroom. Nice.

Sorry if this is TMI, but I am writing this blog as more of a journal and I want to remember every bit about the pregnancy... even the not-so-great parts :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

11 Weeks

From BabyCenter:

Your baby, just over 1 1/2 inches long and about the size of a fig, is now almost fully formed. His/Her hands will soon open and close into fists, tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under the gums, and some bones are beginning to harden.

The baby is already busy kicking and stretching, and his/her tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as his/her body grows and becomes more developed and functional. You won't feel your baby's acrobatics for another month or two — nor will you notice the hiccupping that may be happening now that her diaphragm is forming.

If you're like most women, you're feeling a bit more energetic now and your nausea may be starting to wane. Don't worry if nausea has made it impossible for you to eat a wide variety of healthy foods or if you haven't put on much weight yet (most women gain just 2 to 5 pounds during the first trimester). Your appetite will likely return soon, and you'll start to gain about a pound a week.

Note from Jen:

This week I am finally feeling almost back to normal. I still get a few waves of nausea and am super tired, but overall I feel good.

My appetite is finally back and I am so thankful that food actually sounds good again. Friday night was my company Christmas party and poor Kenny had to go back to the buffet over and over to get me more prime rib. Everyone at the table blamed it on the baby, but in all honesty, it was just good prime rib and it was free, so I was going to eat what I could :)

Today we went in for our second check-up and everything looks good. All my blood work came back normal... except for the fact that my doctor told me my blood type was O negative. Strange... I always thought I was A positive. So weird. I think someone at the hospital where I was born might have messed something up... good thing I have never needed a blood transfusion!

I am also RH negative which just means that I have to get a shot at 28 weeks and another one after the baby is born so that the baby and I don't try to kill each other if he/she turns out to be RH positive. Shesh. There is already bad blood in the family.

At the appointment today, Kenny and I also got to hear the baby's heartbeat. It sounded just like a freight train. Kenny said it was all he could do not to shout "Whoo! Whoo!" after the "Chug-a-Chug" of the heartbeat.

I haven't taken a picture this week, but will try to tonight or tomorrow. I pretty much look the exact same, although people here at work are saying they can tell I have a little belly now.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

10 Weeks

From BabyCenter:

Though your baby is barely the size of a kumquat — a little over an inch or so long, crown to bottom — and weighs less than a quarter of an ounce, he has now completed the most critical portion of his development. This is the beginning of the so-called fetal period, a time when the tissues and organs in his body rapidly grow and mature.

He's swallowing fluid and kicking up a storm. Vital organs — including his kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver (now making red blood cells in place of the disappearing yolk sac) — are in place and starting to function, though they'll continue to develop throughout the pregnancy.

If you could take a peek inside the womb, you'd spot minute details, like tiny nails forming on fingers and toes (no more webbing) and peach-fuzz hair beginning to grow on tender skin.

In other developments: Your baby's limbs can bend now. His hands are flexed at the wrist and meet over his heart, and his feet may be long enough to meet in front of his body. The outline of his spine is clearly visible through translucent skin, and spinal nerves are beginning to stretch out from his spinal cord. Your baby's forehead temporarily bulges with his developing brain and sits very high on his head, which measures half the length of his body. From crown to rump, he's about 1 1/4 inches long. In the coming weeks, your baby will again double in size — to nearly 3 inches.

Note from Jen:

I am feeling alright this week, although it comes and goes. On Saturday evening I looked like I was out of a tv sitcom with how stereotypically sudden the sickness came on, forcing me to cover my mouth and run for the bathroom. Kenny couldn't stop laughing! Good thing it isn't him going through it :)

I am 10 weeks along and have been very fortunate not to have any complications or severe morning sickness. Although I am still counting the days for the first trimester and all the sickness and exhaustion that goes along with it, to be over.

We finally took a picture Monday night of my little belly (although it does seem larger in the picture!) Hopefully we will keep on top of taking the pictures and posting on the blog.

Thank you all for your sweet comments... glad you are all excited as well ;)


Kenny sent this to me as he was flying home from Oregon last night.

He has such a rough job :)

Monday, December 08, 2008

Drumroll Please...

Oh wait, that is not a drumroll.. that is our little baby's heartbeat :)

Yep, we are having a baby. He/She is due July 8, 2009... and with Kenny's affinity for numbers, he is thrilled that we could have a baby on 07-08-09!

Jen is feeling alright, a bit of all day sickness and exhaustion, but it could always be worse!

On Thanksgiving, we told our parents by giving them "tickets for our next adventure" It took them a while to figure out they weren't going to China with us ;)

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Great way to start my morning

I opened up my email this morning and found this. Awww... I love Kenny :)

"Good Morning!

From Cocoa Beach, Florida!

I love you."

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jen has quit her job...

to become a professional bowler. Okay, not really, but she did get a "turkey" (three strikes in a row) when we went bowling.

It was the custom shoes and bowling ball.

And yes, she won the game.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

What Happens in Cabo....?

I had a trip this past weekend down to Cabo San Lucas Mexico. Only three days, but enough for a quick getaway for Jen and I.

I got a free ride on Cessna CJ1 jet, but Jen had to do it the old fashion way and airline down there. It worked out nicely though because my personal jet ride left from San Diego International at 11:00 am and Jen was able to a direct flight on Alaskan that left from SAN at 10:10 am. Perfect!

So we headed down to the airport; I dropped Jen off at the terminal where all the "normal" people go and then cruised over to the special people terminal for my private executive jet flight. Well, her commercial sardine can left right on time, wheels up about 10:30. Yeah, my passengers were good and late and Jen had to wait for abou 2 hours in the terminal at Cabo. Fortunately, she was packing the heat and managed to beat down two would be kidnappers.

Finally we get to our swanky hotel and don't you know it, our room is still being cleaned and we are guaranteed by our Mexican bellhop that the room will be done in "fifteeeeen minutos amigo." One hour later, we are in our room. I am pretty sure that Mexicans have little or no concept of time. They did offer us free margaritas while we waited...sure why not? Hold on, this tastes like watered down lemonade. But who's complaining? Oh wait, we are!

I did have a co-pilot on this trip and he wanted to see downtown Cabo - on a Friday night. We obliged. Long story short: I seriously scared a waitress who tried to feed me (yes actually put into my mouth) a jello shot. She ran away. But hey, first she intruded onto my personal space; second, she wanted to give me something that I had NO CLUE as to what was in it or where it had been or for how long! Just seems like a good idea to avoid that all together. She walked up and kinda nodded at me. I kinda shook my head back - a clear definitive nod stating "get away from me." She proceeded closer to my face, I turned my head and kindly said "no thank you." She then pressed the situation (and my nerves) and made an attempt to force feed me the jello shot. I did not break her arm, but I really wanted to. I simply took her arm and moved it out of my personal space. That is when she left.

Kenny does not really do Friday night in Cabo. Heck, the slogan of Cabo is, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. What happens in Cabo, never really happened." Not to mention that the night life does not get started until midnight (and after everyone has had too much to drink). And where were all the pretty people? I definitely saw my share of unattractive people, old people, drunk people, and lets call a rose a rose, sluts! Ah yeah, no.

Saturday turned out better.

Again, a long story short (this one ends with Jen's personal space being violated!) We went to a time share presentation to suffer for 90 minutes in order to get a free breakfast and a free snorkel tour. After 120 minutes (again proving my point that Mexicans have no concept of time), Jen told the salesperson (and not for the first time) that we were there for the free stuff and that he had better give it to us. He begged off and brought in "the closer." Yes, we all know this routine, the little newbie sales guy can't get 'er done, so they bring the big guns. At this point, Jen tells him, kindly, that this kind of vacation is not for us and we would like our coupons so we can leave. Out of nowhere, "the closer" explodes at Jen and yells (yes, he actually raised his voice and leaned forward in an agressive manner),
"You came here of your own free will!"
What, are we in Theology 101?
Jen, not to let this go in any way, shape or form, leans right back at him and says (maybe not so kindly this time),
"Hey, we did our 90 minutes, we would like our certificates now so we can leave."
"What? Did you just come for the free incentives?"
"Yes, now get them for us."
He left. And in came "the closer numero dos."
She signed us off as unlikely candidates for the program and gave us our certificates. A hard fought battle, but well worth it.

With our bellies full from the free breakfast, we cruised down to the docks and headed out on our snorkel tour. It was great. There was only one other family of six on the tour (on a boat that seated over 100 people). I got to drive the 120' catamaran boat. We got to snorkel (where I was attacked by a school of angry fish). We got to cruise around Los Archos and get cool pictures. Did I mention we got free lunch and all you can drink open bar? Dang, I really need to become an alcoholic. All in all, a fun day,

That evening, Jen and I got to release baby sea turtles. We left our camera in the room, so the pictures are in my co-pilot's camera.

Then dinner! Ah dinner. The hotel had an all you can eat lobster buffet...for only $32 a person. I ate 8 lobsters, 4 shrimp kabobs, and alot of dessert. Jen did not quite keep up with me, but definitely got her money's worth.

Sunday, we had lunch in San Jose del Cabo. A much nicer city, its where all the old stuffy people go. I fit in perfect.

Then Jen had to catch her vomit comet home. Again, we had the perfect plan. I was to leave at 3:00 pm, Jen had a departure at 2:10 pm. Let's just say, I was six hours late. Fortunately, Eric and Sheree drove down to San Diego Intl. to pick her up while I waited for my super late passengers. She was at home before I even left.

So that's it folks. Thanks for hanging in there to the end. Now you may proceed to the picture blog. Lots of pictures, few words.

Cabo Pictures :)

Our Hotel- Swanky huh?

Kenny got to drive the boat on our way to go snorkeling!

The water had to be at least 80 degrees!

All you can eat lobster! YUM!

Kenny may or may not have decided to slide off of the waterfall...

Ah! Cabo!

To view all of our Cabo pictures, go to:

For more pics of all our adventures, check out http://kennyandjen.shutterfly.com

Friday, October 24, 2008

A rootin' tootin' start to the weekend...


The exciting and dangerous stunts in the post were performed
by professionals under highly controlled conditions.

Do NOT attempt this at home. (especially if you have children nearby)


It is Friday afternoon and both Jen and I are home early. So how do we kill a couple hours before starting dinner?

A balloon shoot-out! Please notice the safety backstop (a green pillow) and the carnage stuck to the walls! (poor little balloons never had a chance!)

After we got sighted in with the stationary balloons, I had Jen hide in the guest bathroom and fling a balloon into the hallway for a "moving target." We both took turns shooting at the rubber over-sized pigeons.

You might be wondering what she is pointing at? Wwwwweeeeeeellllllllll, if you toss a small balloon into the air and then shoot it with a Daisy Red Rider Single Pump Action BB Rifle you get a popped balloon, two cries of joy, one scared black dog AND a hole in the bedroom door. Yes, the hollow core pre-fab door does not quite stand up to taking a round. (ha - get it? "round" as in a shot and a BB - never mind).

All in all, it was blast!

Turn your volume up!

Thursday, October 23, 2008



Well, we are back!  We had a great time despite the crazy clubs and timeshare presentations :)  Here is one picture for now.  I promise to upload more pictures and have Kenny write a story or two ASAP.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A rough day at the office...

... at least it has a view of San Diego Bay!

Friday, October 17, 2008

At the airport and ready to go!

Yesterday Kenny found out he had a 3 day trip to Cabo so we decided to buy me a ticket so I could fly out to meet him!  M flight leaves at 10:00am so right now I am just catching up on email and Facebook and waiting to board the plane.  Cabo here I come :)

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Office Game

The Office started again last night and we couldn't have asked for a better episode... I sent the link to watch it online to Mom & Dad and Jamie & David, so I won't spoil it by posting anything about the episode.

Anyway, last week (or the week before... I am so losing track of time) Danny & Tonita came over for dinner and to hang out. At about 9:00pm we got the crazy idea to run over to Target to see if they had The Office Trivia Game. We grabbed the game and took it back home to play.

The idea of playing the game ended up being more fun than the actual game itself, but we had fun gathering Shrute Bucks and then topped the evening off with a homemade pizookie.

A fun time was had by all.

We Won!

"This email is to confirm that your requested credit has been processed. Your current balance is $165.00, which includes credits totaling $165.00.

Thank you for using Verizon Wireless."

Yeah. It only took about 20 hours fighting them... so I guess that works out to $8.25 per hour. That's okay... we still beat them down! :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Google Us

I was looking at Google Analytics for our blog to see what keywords people were typing in Google/ Yahoo to get to our site. Some of them made me laugh...

"had to wear a girdle"
Oh! I am sorry you had to wear a girdle. I did too...once!

alcohol cold sweats nightmares
Um. My suggestion... stop with the alcohol if you are getting cold sweats and nightmares. The yummy taste of Mike's Hard Lemonade just isn't worth a night of no sleep and sweat drenched sheets.

blogger header designer
I hear Jen at Blue Yonder Design is simply the best :)

crab reward
Makes me wonder how many other people offer a reward for missing crabs?!? RIP Fiddle.

funny lines from the bucket list
Didn't you see the movie?!? There were NO funny lines.

hokey pokey baby video
Now this is something I'd like to see.

i swear by my tattoo
Didn't your mother teach you not to swear?!?

Kenny flew this plane in November 2006. It is for sale if anyone is interested.

pcifa gang
A gang?!? Like the Bloods, Crips, Jets, Newsies? Yeah, those pilots are a tough group of guys.

roll up your sleeve mommy it's time for a shot needle

Why is the doctor calling her "mommy"?!? That is just creepy.

Monday, September 22, 2008

New Design: Marcelain Photography

Tammy from In the Grip of Grace contacted me last week to design a blog for her photography business Marcelain Photography.

I was able to play with Blogger and pushed it to do much more than I thought was even possible.

Go Check out her site and see what an amazing photographer Tammy is :)

From Tammy...

I am so excited to unveil my new photography blog. I have muddled through for a while trying to use a .mac site and for the lack of knowing who to go to I just stayed put. Then Jen@BlueYonderDesigns came into my life.

My friend Denise won a "new look" from Jen for her blog last year. When it became time to redo my personal blog I loved what I saw on Denise's blog and I emailed Jen@BlueYonderDesigns right away. The speaking group that I travel with needed a fresh blog, so Jen@BlueYonderDesigns redid our Coffee Group blog , then we needed a blog button and she quickly took care of that. When I decided to move my photography blog back to blogger I knew Jen@BlueYonderDesigns was the gal for me.

She made me look good!! She was able to exceed my needs in service and quality. All that to say, I think Jen@BlueYonderDesigns is way creative and a leader in the blog service industry.

Awww! Thanks Tammy. I think you are great too :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Design: Joyfully Living *Fall Edition*

Chelsey from Joyfully Living for His Glory came back once again for a Fall design for her blog.

We used some pre-made graphics that Chelsey loved and just updated the layout and colors of her blog to match.

This is the third design I have done for her and we are *hoping* to add one more in the Winter so she has one for every season!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Design: Judith Leigh's My Space

A few months ago I was able to work with author Judith Leigh on her new blog. She contacted me again last week about getting a matching, custom design for her MySpace page. Once again I had fun working with her.

Her new book, "When the Vow Breaks" comes out this month!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Oh Internet... I love you!

Last week I decided to finally play around with Gmail and Shutterfly to see what the deal was and if they would work for me. I know everyone and their brother are already on the Gmail bandwagon and everyone else is already backing up and printing all their photos on Shutterfly, but just in case you are like me and are a bit slow sometimes getting in on the newest internet craze, I am here to tell you that using these two sites are a must... at least for me :)

Gmail (i.e. Google Mail)

Why Gmail? Well, Why not? I mean, what is there not to like about virtually limitless storage?!?

On Friday I routed all my email accounts through my newly set up Gmail account then added my new Gmail account to my Mac Mail (also works perfectly with Outlook for PC users!). My Mac Mail and my Gmail now sync with each other seamlessly and I have an online backup of all my emails. Speaking from someone who has lost everything when her old PC crashed... having a backup saves a ton of heartache! Also, if I happen to be away from my computer, I can just hop online from any computer and check all my emails from all my accounts in one place... and as a bonus... Gmail is super easy to use and keeps all those SPAM emails far far away. I am loving the "conversation view" where Gmail groups all replies with their original message, creating a single conversation or thread. So wonderful!

Sign up for a Gmail account at http://mail.google.com


Can I just say how much I am loving Shutterfly?!?

Most photo sites limit your storage of photos and charge you once you have added too many. Not Shutterfly.

You all know that Kenny and I love taking pictures and we have a ton. I was looking for an online backup for my photos when I came across Shutterfly. I thought that Shutterfly was only an online print shop for your photos, but I was so wrong. It is a great place to store your pictures, create slide shows, albums, photo books and more. I can't believe I didn't use this sooner.

The main thing (besides limitless storage of photos) is the fact that Shutterfly has a great plugin for iPhoto, making uploading photos so simple. They also have an amazing program called "Shutterfly Studio" for Windows users for organizing and uploading photos.

Again, if my computer crashes, I now have an online backup of all my photos with Shutterfly.

They also give you a fun little web page so you can share your photos with friends and family. You can choose which uploaded albums you want to share and set permissions so only people you want can see them. You can check out ours at http://kennyandjen.shutterfly.com/. I am still working on adding and editing photos, so forgive me if it is bit rough.

Anyway if all goes well I should have all my photos backed up by the end of the week. I will also be using our public Shutterfly page to post recent pictures and trips for all of you guys, so you might want to bookmark it :)

Sign up for Shutterfly at http://www.shutterfly.com

I love finding things like this online. Are there any programs or web pages that you use that you can't live without? Let me know.. I am ready to get on the bandwagon:)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Design: The Herrold Collection

Amanda over at The Herrold Collection contacted me after I designed her friend Penelope's blogs.

Amanda was fun and easy to work with. We went with a bright fun beachy feeling for her new header design and made sure to incorporate a photo collection of her beautiful family.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Screen on the Green

Every summer, the San Diego Museum of Art at Balboa Park hosts a movie night every Thursday. They show old movies on a large screen outside on the lawn by the Botanical Building. It is a beautiful setting and a whole lot of fun. You gotta love San Diego!

By the way, we watched "The Shop Around the Corner" the film that was the inspiration for "You’ve Got Mail". It was so cute!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

He is just jealous...

The other day we went shooting with Eric & Sheree. It was a blast (no pun intended) and we had an awesome set-up that would do any hillbilly proud :)

I'll let Kenny write more about it later, but I just wanted to post this video Sheree sent me. Listen carefully to Kenny at the end... He just wishes he was as good of a shot as me... there is really no other excuse for the trash talking!

Friday, August 15, 2008

New Design: Just Julie

Julie contacted me a few weeks ago and wanted to start her first blog. She is such a sweet lady that gives of her time as she does foster care for four women with mental retardation who live with her 24/7, and her husband was also diagnosed with Parkinson's two years ago. She feels that having a blog will be a way to make her feel like she can still reach out and be a part of her friends' and loved ones' lives. I wanted to giver her a design that she loved that made her site feel like a home on the internet.

Based on her comments, I think I did ok :)

"Welcome to my blog! Isn’t it the neatest space? I worked with Jen at Swank Webstyle and she was a creative delight.

As I look at the elements on the page, they stand for so much of what I most cherish: my family, and the quiet times in my chair when God speaks truth and hope to my heart through His Word and through His creation. You can see that my three beloved daughters are represented here. Sharon, my oldest daughter, hand paints and sells beautiful yarns. Carolyn, my middle daughter, is a gifted actress and singer. Sara, my youngest daughter, is an amazing and creative floral designer. There is so much more to say about them and about life, but that’s what a blog is for, and those posts will be forthcoming."

New Design: Home on the Range

Penny from Penelope's Pitstop asked if I could also give her a new blog header for her personal blog, Home on the Range.

We came up with a fun, western design. We plan on giving the entire site a matching design later on.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Free Music

Yep. Free. Christian Music. You can't beat that :)

Get your FREE copy of Phil Wickham’s live CD that you can download by clicking on the photo below and hopping over to his blog.

I am listening to it now and it is great.. and FREE!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

All in a night's work...

It is 2:13 am. I have been lying on my back for the past several hours.

Not in bed, but in the grass.

A night sky. A crystal clear night sky.

The only unnatural light is coming from Cape Blanco Lighthouse, twenty-some miles to the south. And even then, it only blinks once every twenty seconds.

The ocean's wave crash onto the beach only one hundred yards away. They roll up with a consistent hum - no, a consistent dull roar. The roar is broken occasionally by the call of one lonely seagull to another. An onshore breeze rustles the tall grasses.

I can smell the dying campfires mixing with the salty marine air. The wafting of slightly decayed seaweed and smaller animals on the lower side of the food chain come and go.

I can see the stars Polaris and Altair. Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Aquarius, the Milky Way. The glowing tracers of shooting stars.

The waning moon is slowly setting over the Pacific Ocean. It began its descent to the horizon as a brilliant pale silver and when it finally tucks itself into a fog bank fifty miles offshore, it will become a deep ruddy orange.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Thursday, July 31, 2008

New Design: Bellydancer Queenie

Queenie is a belly dance instructor in the Netherlands. She is beautiful, fun and elegant and we wanted that to reflect in her design.

We added many plugins including English/ Dutch language switcher, a gallery slide show and a great schedule/ class sign-up form.

I absolutely love how it turned out. If I am ever in the Netherlands, I am totally taking a class from her :)

New Design: Penelope's Pitstop

I just finished a cute new design over at Penelope's Pitstop.

Penelope has a great blog full of fun items she finds while shopping. She is such a nice person and was great to work with.

Go check out her site :)

Monday, July 28, 2008

New Design: Ovolina

Ovolina means little mozzarella in Italian which is appropriate because Anita is Italian and has six children! Anita is originally from Rome Italy and has her own radio show. She is also a wonderfully sweet lady who was very easy to work with.

I went with an old-world Italian feel for her site and incorporated her six little ones in the design. We are still working on uploading all of her work, magazine articles and videos, but thought I'd share the site with you all anyway :)