I left my honey again to go explore!
This time my mini paid vacation has taken me to the lake community of Sebastion Cove in Eatonton, Georgia. The other pilot's parents live here and have all the cool retirement toys, including a pontoon boat which is the local preferred method for taking anglers to the many large mouth bass hiding in Lake Oconee.
While I have fished quite a bit in my life, I have only fished for bass once and only for a few hours in San Vicente Reservoir in San Diego. The end result of that attempt was that I caught one fish on my bass rig, a nice trout! Go figure.
Well, expectations were high yesterday. We had the pontoon boat, we were in the the South, and the fish were jumping. We hit the water about 2 pm and started fishing.
To keep the story short, I got one! It might not be a trophy fish, but I sure can't complain, any fish is better than no fish. I did manage hook a few others, including a baby catfish that checked in about 8" and 1/2 pound. A record breaking day indeed.
On a side note, I met two authentic Southerns, drawl and all. I had a conversation with Larry their next door neighbor. Let me re-phrase that. I spoke to Larry and he understood. Larry spoke to me and I, well, I just nodded. Have you seen "King of the Hill?" Yeah, it was like that, I caught about one of every ten words. A little later, we met Floyd. Again...."Uh what did he just say?" Funny thing is Floyd was a high powered, super rich (still super rich) engineer type guy who traveled the world doing his engineering thing! Maybe his French is a little more clear.