Friday, September 28, 2007

Support the Rabid

Danny & Tonita came over last night for our weekly Survivor get together. We have been doing this for years and will continue to do so until CBS cancels the show, one of us moves away or the Rapture happens. Kenny and I have actually watched every single Survivor season and this year looks like it won't disappoint.

Anyway, last night was also the premier of season 4 of The Office. And since this year it is on at 9:00 instead of 8:30, we get to watch it! For those of you who don't watch this hilarious show I say go borrow the last 3 seasons RIGHT THIS MINUTE :)

Some of my favorite quotes from last night...

Michael Scott: Kelly, you're Hindu so you believe in Buddha.

Kelly: That's Buddhist.

Michael Scott: Are you sure?

Kelly: No.


Creed: I've been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader.


RIP Sprinkles


A few of our other shows (and by "our" I really mean "my" because Kenny can do with or without TV)...

LOST- Best show EVER!
Amazing Race
The Office

Anyway, What shows are you excited about? Anything that you just have to watch?

1 comment:

Danny and Tonita said...

SOOOO funny!

We also like the show, "How I met Your Mother"

It's only a half hour and it's quick and fun!