Kenny had to fly to Ohio on Saturday, but was able to fly back into Bakersfield Sunday afternoon so we could all hang out. Jeffrey had fun waiting for Captain Kenny to land... I think we might end up having another pilot in the family!
After picking up Kenny, we braved the 286 degree heat and took Jeffrey out for his first geocache. Even though it felt like we were going to melt, we had a great time and managed to grab 3 caches for the weekend.
We mostly just had fun watching Jeffrey be cute and funny. He is at such a fun age right now and knows just how to make you laugh. He loves his Uncle Kenny!
We heard how much Jeffrey loves Uncle Kenny, Auntie Jen and Pilot!
It was fun seeing you Jen, sorry we missed you Kenny, but it looks like you had a fun filled weekend in Bakersfield!
We love you!
Jeffrey misses you guys and can't wait to see you again. He also said he loved going geocaching, except for the 286 degree weather. We had fun and are glad that our son can make you laugh.
I LOVE that hat on Jeffery...glad you had fun! I'm proud of all of you for braving the weather; it wasn't 286 degrees here and we didn't dare brave it! :)
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