Yesterday, Kenny flew the King Air B200, a twin turbo prop that cruises about 300 mph! He will be flying their Learjet 35 soon!
Check out these pictures from his first flight with the company... mocking the epaulets is not allowed :)
So, my company just installed a firewall/ content filter a few days ago. This means no more myspace, games, you tube or anything fun at work! At least I still have blogger :)
For those of you who don't know, I am most definitely not a slacker at work. I get all my tasks done and then some. Just sometimes I need a break ;)
The firewall has actually provided some form of entertainment. I am having a great time typing in websites to see if they are blocked and what reason. I went to a site the other day about medicine and it was blocked. The reasoning... it was labeled as "The Occult"
Some of the sites that are blocked:
It is a sad, sad day. So, keep the comments coming since it is now one of my only means of contact with the outside world and only form of entertainment!
The show was good as always and the night show was especially fun this year with amazing fireworks and the wall of fire! We managed take a break from the booth to snap a few pictures of the fireworks. That is our booth in the corner.
Although it was fun, we are tired and don't want to look at another t-shirt for a while. We are trying to clear our minds of the auto-response greeting of "Shirts are on sale... one for $15, two for $20..."
Most of our customers were awesome with many return customers and lots of great compliments. However, some customers were... interesting..
Lady who clearly can't fit into an extra-small: "Do you have this in an extra small?"
Kenny: "No, I am sorry, but that is the only size we have left"
Lady looking at Kenny and sticking out her bottom lip in a pout for about 2 minutes: "Do you have this in an extra small?
Lady with a HUGE, partially rusted Jesus head necklace around her neck and a dragon ring on every finger speaking in a hillbilly accent: "Look at these them thar Italian charms."
Tonita: "Can I help you find any charms?"
Lady: "Oooh, I like the 'I love traveling' charm."
Tonita: "Here you go, this is a great charm."
Lady: "Oooh, I like traveling and this here charm says I like traveling. It is true. I like traveling. I do like to travel. It is so true. THE CHARM IS SO TRUE!"
Tonita rushing to put the charm on the lady's filthy dirty bracelet: "That is nice."
Guy running up to the booth during the night show: "I need a medium sweatshirt"
Us: "We only have large and extra large, but Jen and Tonita both wear the large."
Guy: "My girl only wears medium. She has me trained to only buy medium."
Tonita: "Well, if she is cold, I am sure she would much rather be warm wearing a large than cold wearing nothing."
Guy: "True. After the show she can give it to her mom. Her mom is about my size."
Us: "Maybe you should try it on."
Guy grabbing the sweatshirt that says BLUE YONDER GIRL: "Oh man, don't let anyone see me trying on a girls sweatshirt. I'll never live this down..."
Guy holding out his arms and twirling around: "How do I look?"
Tonita: "You look hot."
This guy had us laughing so hard. He was actually great and lots of fun!
Asian Lady: "You have in medium?"
Tonita: "Sorry, we only have large and extra large sweatshirts left."
Asian Lady: "You have medium?"
Tonita: "No, only large and extra large."
Asian Lady turns to husband and says something...
Asian Husband to Tonita: "You have medium?"
Tonita: "Only large and extra large."
Asian Husband: "MEDIUM?!?"
Tonita: "Only large and extra large, sorry."
Asian Lady and Husband walk to other side of the booth...
Asian Lady to Danny: "You have medium?"
Danny: "NO"
Asian Lady buys the large sweatshirt.
Overall, we had a ton of fun and are looking forward to next year :)