Thursday, September 28, 2006

Mammoth Fly Fishing

We had a great time fishing this weekend in Mammoth. Early Thursday morning we piled into the Archer and headed up to Mammoth for a long weekend.

After only a few hours of flying, we arrived in Mammoth safe and sound. We decided to hit Hot Creek to do a little bit of fishing as a sort of warm up for the weekend events. Unfortunately, Kenny's line broke off after only about 10 minutes of fishing so we didn’t catch anything, but we were able to go check out the thermal areas and new geyser at the creek. Having better luck, John and Chuck both caught a few rainbow and brown trout that afternoon.

The next morning we met up with Steve, our guide and headed up to the Upper Owen’s River. Kenny had an awesome day of fishing and caught 15+ trout that day. Jen, not as great, but ended up with around 10 and had perhaps the largest fish of the day! The next day, we hit the Owen’s again and had another great day. This time it was Jen’s turn to shine. She caught a 16 inch rainbow as well as many other trout, both rainbows and brown. She also hooked what was probably the smallest fish of the trip… a 3 inch brown trout!

One of Jen’s fish decided that it wanted to come home with us, and couldn’t understand why we threw it back (we did all catch and release). After Jen put it back in the water, the fish swam over and hung out by her foot for about five minutes! Not sure if you can see him in the picture, but here it is. I also took some video that I will try to upload later.

Overall, we had a great time, but are exhausted! Check out our pictures below…

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Gone Fishing!

We're going fly fishing in Mammoth this weekend!

We'll post pictures once we get back... pretty sure they will be of Jen outfishing Kenny again :)

Monday, September 18, 2006

Sailing Pictures

Sailing pictures from a few months ago. Sorry it took so long :)

Friday, September 15, 2006

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Congratulations Danny!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Danny is officially an A&P Mechanic!


Buca di Beppo & Family

Jen's parents came down this last weekend to visit now that Jim is home from the fire in Washington. Matt, Kelly & Eli also happened to be in town, so we all decided to go to Buca di Beppo on Thursday night. We made the reservation for the nine of us (Danny & Tonita too!) for 6:30pm that night downtown.

We all showed up in separate cars coming from different areas, but all managed to meet at the exact same time at the parking garage in Horton Plaza... all of us 30 minutes late! Jen’s parents had a good excuse for being late… they drove in from LA at hit traffic. Matt & Kelly hit construction and road closures… good excuse. Danny and Tonita road with us… they had no control over the time. Again, good excuse. Us? Well, we were just late. Hey, it's okay to be late if everyone is late right?!?

Well, our reservation was cancelled, but they managed to get us in right away. We had a great time eating and talking and eating some more. We discovered that Eli loves lemons. Kelly had to pry them away from him to keep him from eating the whole thing. He is also a ham in front of the camera. He showed off his cheesy smiles and photogenic personality the entire time… this kid really should be in commercials.

The rest of the weekend was spent making Jen’s parents help around the house… we always seem to put them to work when they come. We organized the shed and the Ebay room. Yes, we have an Ebay room.

We also spent time getting things ready for the Miramar Air Show which is in a month. Oct. 13-15 if any of you want to come and hang out or help us at our booth for Blue Yonder Girl or buy some stuff (shameless plug, yes I know).

PS. Sorry the photos aren't that great. It was dark in the restaurant.

Monday, September 11, 2006

New Blogger Header

We changed the header to our blog this weekend. Hope it works for all of you.

If you click on the photos you should be able to view the description. If you want to manually go through the photos you can double click on them and it will take you to

We plan on adding more pictures soon, so keep checking back!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Pilot at Balboa Park

Sunday we took Pilot to Balboa Park for the first time. He loved it! So many people to see and things to sniff. He had fun helping us find some geocaches and even located one for us that we couldn't find. We only stayed at Balboa for a few hours and then called it a day because it was soooo hot. We can’t wait for the cooler weather so we can go Geocaching without risking heat stroke.

Del Mar Racetrack

On Saturday we celebrated Rebecca's birthday at the Del Mar Racetrack.

We had a blast and even mananage to walk away with some winnings thanks mostly to Carl. If you ever go to the races, you have to bring Carl. He is as much fun to watch as the horses!

And they're off!

Carl & Kenny studying the racing forms

Hannah is as fun to watch as her daddy Carl...

She is such a star!

We look like giants with our cute little soda cans :)

Happy Birthday Rebecca!