Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Can you hear me now?

I just wanted to say that I LOVE my new phone.

A few weeks ago Kenny and I got new phones from Verizon. After much debate and too much time spent reading reviews and researching phones, we decided on the LG VX8300.

It is sooo cool.

Not only does it get great reception and have an excellent speakerphone, it also takes pretty good pictures and video. The best thing of all is that it has a built-in MP3 Player!

I was just out walking Pilot and was listening to music as we strolled along. I didn't have headphones on so it was like I had my own personal theme music as I walked :) A few people looked at me funny wondering where the music was coming from!

Anyway, that is all. I love my phone. Don't be jealous, Kenny ;)

Monday, August 28, 2006

We're with the band...

Last week we were invited by one of Kenny's students, Dave, to a concert at the House of Blues. He was going to be playing as drummer for the band "Cinematic Sunrise." Also performing that night was "The Sounds of Animals Fighting."

It was an interesting night. We showed up and got in line at the ticket counter only to find out that the guy behind the counter couldn't find our name on the guest list. We put on our best, "We're with the band" faces and asked him to check again mentioning that we personally know the drummer :) After a bit of searching, he found our tickets and we headed downstairs to the concert only to be stopped by two bouncers who asked us to empty our pockets. Well, Kenny ALWAYS carries his Buck Knife pocket knife (so small and insignificant... your pen could do more damage!)… He pulled it out of his pocket and the bouncers just stared at him. In order to not get thrown out, Kenny rushed back up the stairs and "hid" the knife somewhere outside.

Dave's band played first, but only did 3 songs. A bummer because they were good. We then waited and waited around for "The Sound of Animals Fighting." Hey, we figured that everyone was there to seem them and they had a crazy name so we had to stay. They were... umm... entertaining.

At about 10:30pm we finally left the House of Blues. We were tired and hungry (we hadn't eaten since 11:00am). To top off the night, Kenny's knife was no longer in its hiding place outside :( I guess someone else likes Buck knives too! Oh well.

All in all, it was an interesting night. Probably would have been better if we had food in our bellies and a Buck knife in our pocket, but we still got to see Dave perform and for one night say that we were with the band. It was pretty cool. Kenny's students are so talented!

Friday, August 18, 2006

It's a BOY!

Congratulations Jamie & David!
We love you!

Monday, August 14, 2006


Kenny's parents came down to visit this weekend and we had a great time goofing off downtown. Sunday we went to Seaport Village, Balboa Park and the Gaslamp. We had fun playing tourist, but also were able to get a few geocaches while we were down there.

There was a geocache in the middle of all these people. It was located behind the scale. We had to be sneaky. If you look at the picture you will see that it didn't work so well because nearly everyone on the bench was staring at us!

But we got the geocache!

Kenny's new boat & helicopter.

Another geocache!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hot Pockets :)

Just for Kenny & David... "Hot Pockets!"

P.S. The video is about 5 minutes long and is a comedy routine by Jim Gaffigan

Monday, August 07, 2006

Animal House

We have a new roommate that has been living with us for the last few days. No wild toga parties, but her and Pilot have been “hitting the sauce”

Yum! Pilot & Buttercup love gravy!!!

Don't worry Danny & Tonita... Buttercup didn't have too much...

...but Pilot did. He just didn't know when to stop!

Tic... Tac... TOE

This weekend Kenny broke his toe :(

We aren't exactly sure how it happened, but are pretty convinced the incident occurred sometime on Saturday when Kenny was kicking small children... it’s okay, we were at Tae Kwon Do... the kids like to be kicked!

Actually, it probably happened while we were sparring at the end of class… Jen always beats Kenny up in class!

A few of you have asked for a picture. It is pretty disgusting so if you are squeamish don’t look any further…

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Fridge Magnet Messages :)

Remember these? We found the web version of those good old alphabet fridge magnets. Move them around and leave us a message :)

Click Here to get this from!