Here are the happenings in our life for last few weeks... in no particular order...

A few weeks ago a new element of fun was added to class... we now get to play with sticks! That is right, not only can we get hurt by getting kicked or punched in the face, we now have the added bonus of getting beaten to death with a hard wooden object.
Long Staff is actually quite fun… as you can see by the picture, Kenny is taking it quite seriously.
Last week Kenny started teaching an IFR Ground School at Rison. He gets to make sure that his students can fly in and out of clouds and bad weather without killing themselves.

Last week we decided our microwave had seen its last day. There is something about us that seems to kill microwaves way before they reach their prime. We ran over to Costco and purchased a shiny new machine to heat up our meals. We hate this new microwave. We hate everything about it. We hate the way the buttons look and feel. We hate the way it beeps. We hate the way the display doesn't light up. We hate it. We will be returning it this weekend.
Note: We do not know why we felt this needed to be in the blog, but it was an important event that happened in the last few weeks. We are such exciting people aren't we?!?

Monday, we had to get two new tires on our car :( Don’t you hate putting money into a vehicle that you don’t really like? We like our car cause it is paid off, but hate certain characteristics it has. It is a quirky vehicle with doors that randomly lock and trap you inside and windows that work only when they feel like it. Oh well, two new tires is still better than having a car payment!
So, in about 3 1/2 months we are going to Peru. Whoo hoo!!! We have been scouring the internet every day looking for AFORDABLE tickets for the four of us (Danny & Tonita are coming too!). We are sure that our wonderful family and friends want to help, so we are asking that if you have any free time, if you are bored at work, or if you cannot sleep at night that you check,, or any other secret ticket finding sites that you might know about. We would love you forever (not that we don't already love you)! If you choose to accept this mission, we are looking for tickets from SAN-LIM or LAX-LIM preferably on LAN Airlines because they go direct (May 19- June 3). We promise to bring you back a llama if you find a good deal :)

Speaking of hiking, tomorrow we will send in our application to hike Mt. Whitney (highest point in the contiguous United States at 14,505 feet). All permits to hike Mt. Whitney are chosen by a lottery since it is so popular. We are crossing our fingers and hope that we get to do it this year!
Well, that is about it. We told you this was going to be a Big Boring Blog!
Like always, your blog is very entertaining. I don't think that it was boring at all especially in the way that you describe it.
David says that you need to carry a window punch in your car due to the fact that your windows periodically don't work. The reason is the mythbusters say that when you drive your car into the water the pressure on your window in 350 pounds and you won't be able to open your door or open your window until you sink to the bottom.
Jeffrey can't believe that you think it is fun to kick small children. He says "Just wait until I start walking and kicking!"
I love reading your blogs. This was not boring at all. Hey if you want some practice climbing mountains, you should come and visit us. Pikes Peak is less than an hour away and it is over 14,000 ft. You can climb it and I'll meet you at the top via the cog railway!
I have recently made a blog for our family. You can check it out if you want to. It's not that interesting yet, but I have high hopes that it will be one day.
I love reading your blogs. This was not boring at all. Hey if you want some practice climbing mountains, you should come and visit us. Pikes Peak is less than an hour away and it is over 14,000 ft. You can climb it and I'll meet you at the top via the cog railway!
I have recently made a blog for our family. You can check it out if you want to. It's not that interesting yet, but I have high hopes that it will be one day.
Ok, really sorry that comment posted twice. My computer is stupid. But, hey, now you have 5 comments!!!
I love the part about the trademark, and the microwave! I hope people look for tickets...that would be WAY cool! :)~Tonita
Oh i forgot...I also really like the shadow puppet chart. That could come in handy some day while babysitting or something! :)
You blog is very amusing. I love reading about what you guys are up to!
Matt and some of his buddies are also planning a Mt. Whitney hike. He's pretty excited.
I want to be like you guys sooooo much that I'm going to Peru a few weeks after you :) We haven't found super cheap tickets yet either.
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