Last year Jen's parents gave Pilot an Aflac duck. It was sooo cute and fluffy! When you squeezed it it shouted "Aflac, Aflac, AFLAAAAAC!"
Pilot absolutely loves his Aflac. Even now as I am writing this I can hear the poor duck scream "AFLAAAAAC!" in the background as he plays with it.

Needless to say, Aflac has seen better days after a year of abuse... err.. love... from Pilot :)
He just loves his AFLAC sooooooooooo much! We are keeping his backup that is here in a safe place. We can't have Boomer or Bailey getting it, they'd eat it in one gulp!!!
Aflac Ducks, Geico Lizards, and Progressive sales reps...we can supply anything pilot needs.
Pat, we may have to hit you up for more Aflac ducks. He only has one backup left :)
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