So, last night we ran to the store at 9:00 and bought a $5.00 turkey and a few other items.

Today, we had a great last minute feast with a yummy turkey, ham, Stovetop stuffing, instant potatoes and a pumpkin cobbler!

We tried to give Pilot the giblets, but he wouldn’t go near them. He did, however, really, really like the turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
We are thankful for each and every one of you!
Yeah for Thanksgiving! :)
We had the pumpkin cobler too...Pilot looks happy.
Have a great evening!
I'm glad Kenny was able to be home. . . Sierra wasn't so lucky, we had salmon (I know not very thanksgiving, but we did have mashed potatos)
I guess a Pilot's schedule can be just as bad as a fireman's around the holidays! I'm glad you got to spend part of the day with your hubby :) The food looks yummy
Hi Ken and Jen, I hope everything is good and that Kenny dosent have to fly on his B-Day. That reminds me Happy Birthday Kenny!!! just incase were buisy.
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