Saturday, June 30, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Fun at the Movies
I guess owning a flight school has its perks. A few weeks ago, we received some free movie passes to a special screening of "Rescue Dawn"... a movie starring Christian Bale and Steve Zahn. Last night Danny and I headed to La Jolla and met up with Chris, Pat & Bethany to catch the movie. The fact that the movie was free and that there were no previews only added to how good it was.
We had a great time... although I can't watch a Christian Bale movie without thinking of Jack Kelly from Newsies! He made being a POW look like fun, I was just waiting for him to break into song and dance :) Thanks everyone for coming!
Can't you just picture him as a POW? :)
Monday, June 25, 2007
Psalm 8
Last night my wonderful, beautiful sister called me and told me that there was supposed to be a really bright and shining satellite in the sky at 9:10pm. So, I ran outside, still in my pj's, to see if I could spot the fabled satellite and there it was! With Jamie still on the phone, I was able to guide her to the satellite... "look at the moon... it is to the right of the moon, by those two stars..." "I see it!" It just struck me as amazing how we could both be hundreds of miles apart and still feel like we were standing right next to each other as we looked at the exact same moon & stars.
"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! ...When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet: all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" Psalm 8
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Peru Highlights
All of us... 3 flights and 24 hours after leaving San Diego!

On our way into Puno, the city located on the banks of Lake Titicaca, we stopped for a quick tour of the Sillustani Ruins. We saw Inca and pre-Inca burial tombs and some Incan mummies. From there we headed into Puno and to our lovely $12 a night Hostel los Uros. We loved this place. Most of the hotels and hostels in the area only have warm water a few times a day, but our place had HOT water 24 hours. It was great! That night we ordered Alpaca for dinner… YUM!

The next morning we left for the island of Taquile where we had lunch and then headed back to Puno. Bright and early the next morning we headed back to Juliaca and caught a flight to Cusco. We spent the rest of the day sleeping in our hotel and then checking out the Plaza de Armas. For dinner, as you already know, we ordered Guinea Pig! The little guy came to the table with a cute hat made out of a tomato and garnish… which didn’t do much to disguise the fact that he was smiling at us!
The next day we headed to a small village about an hour away from Cusco. This village was where most of our porters for the Inca Trail lived. We spent the afternoon “helping” them harvest potatoes and then headed to one of their houses where they fed us dinner… Potato Soup... and we spent the night dancing once again! That night we slept in our tents in the backyard of one of the families… along with the chickens, donkeys and pig!The next 4 days were spent hiking the Inca Trail. It was the hardest hike we have ever done… not to mention that we were between 8,000 and 14,000 feet for the entire hike! Kenny did just fine, but on day 2 Jen swore off hiking forever! Thankfully, our porters carried the majority of our things. They were amazing. At one point, we saw one of the porters carrying all 4 of our backpacks! The porters not only carry a zillion pounds, they also do it while basically running the trail! Amazing. The porters also set up our tents before we even arrived at camp and cooked us breakfast, lunch and dinner… all with 4 or 5 courses each!
Even with all the luxury, it was a lot of work. The last day of the Inca Trail, we woke up at 3:45AM to try to get to the Sun Gate before sunrise. We basically ran over 2 miles to get there in time to get the amazing sunrise over Machu Picchu picture… and… it was overcast! LOL! Once it cleared up, Machu Picchu was amazing!
After spending some time in Machu Picchu, we headed back to Cusco on the tourist train… it was the weirdest train we have ever been on. The train was straight out of a Disneyland ride… it included a dancing masked man holing a dead baby llama and a fashion show! Craziness I tell you!
We had such an amazing adventure and there are so many more stories to tell…
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Guinea Pig Song
After we posted our video of our guinea pig dining experience, Google sent us this video. I guess they figured that if you like to eat guinea pigs, you might also enjoy watching them sing and dance...
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Favorite lines...
"Dude, we are like walking down the street with some burros!"
"Whoa! The burro just cut me off!"
Kenny, you make me laugh :)
Friday, June 08, 2007
Peru Videos
We still don't have all our pictures sorted or uploaded for your enjoyment.. actually, we haven't even looked at all of them ourselves!
We did find a few funny videos that we took in Peru which we posted below... enjoy :)
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
New look
So, I updated our blog today with a new look... what do you think? Love it? Hate it? Do you miss the old look of the blog? Let me know :)
Also, I am trying to set up new web folders or our Peru pictures... hopefully I will have them done by next week.
Love you all!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
We're Back!
We are back from Peru... Just a warning.... we took waaaaay too many pictures and have lots of crazy stories, so prepare yourselves!
Just a few quick highlights....
- Piranhas are mean, but taste yummy
- We didn't die on the Inca Trail, but at one point I did swear off hiking altogether... I think the lack of oxygen got to me!
- It is fun to say "Lago Titicaca"
- Guinea Pigs taste like chicken, but are too much work to eat
- I tried to kiss a llama, but he was a bit shy ;)
- Flush toilets are a wonderful luxury
- Never order Mexican food in Peru
- Pink Dolphins really do exist