Monday, June 26, 2006


We are home and mostly settled back into the routine of things... although we still can't cook for ourselves without a few surprises thanks to Danny, Tonita, Rebecca & Hannah. They had fun ripping the labels off our canned goods while we were gone! I guess we had it coming after doing it to D&T for their honeymoon :)

We promise that soon we will get the details of the trip posted, but for now you can amuse yourself with our pictures... only attempt to look at these if you have plenty of time to spare as we took a TON and we haven't sorted through them yet to delete the repeats or bad pictures :)
A few might need some explaining

New Zealand Slideshow #1

New Zealand Slideshow #2

New Zealand Slideshow #3


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that van.

Anonymous said...

The pictures were great. However, they could have been a lot better if the young man in them was wearing a speedo.